Shio koji Pesto (Vegan)
ビーガン塩麹ペスト(味噌+塩こうじ) 日本語レシピは👇
Miso + Shio koji Pesto (Vegan)
This easiest vegan pest skips the cheese and instead calls for white miso + shio koji. Cheesy and flavorful despite being dairy-free, plus an option for lower oil/fat. You can find miso + shio koji in the refrigerated section of your grocery store by the produce. If your larger supermarket doesn't carry both of their key ingredients, look for it in a local Asian market.
We love this pesto served spread on pizza dough and added to a veggie sandwich and of course over the pasta. Try tossing a few spoonfuls with a tray of roasted vegetables just after cooking, or alongside raw veggies as a flavorful dip.
· 48 g packed fresh basil and Italian parsley (large stems removed)
· 15 g walnuts or cashews, pine nuts, etc. (if nut-free, try sunflower seeds!)
· 4.5 g cloves garlic (peeled)
· 15 ml lemon juice
· 6 g nutritional yeast
· 30g Shio Koji
· 10g White miso
· 25 ml extra virgin olive oil*
· 22.5-35 ml water (plus more as needed)
1. To a food processor or small blender, add the basil, nuts, garlic, lemon juice, nutritional yeast, and Shio koji and blend/mix on high until loose paste forms.
2. Add olive oil a little at a time (streaming in while the machine is on if possible) and scrape down sides as needed. Then add 1 Tbsp (15 ml) water at a time until the desired consistency is reached – a thick but pourable sauce. (If avoiding oil altogether, sub the oil with vegetable broth or just use all water.)
3. Taste and adjust flavor as needed, adding more nutritional yeast for cheesy flavor, Shio koji for overall flavor, nuts for nuttiness, garlic for bite/zing, or lemon juice for acidity.
Perfect for adding to sauces, dressings, slices of bread, and more!
My daughter's favorite has been adding it straight to zucchini noodles for a beautiful, healthy side dish.
Store leftovers covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
After that, pour into ice cube molds, freeze, and store for up to 1 month or more.
- 新鮮なバジルとイタリアンパセリ(茎を取り除いたもの)48g
- くるみ、カシューナッツ、松の実など 15g
- にんにく(皮をむいたもの)4.5g
- レモン汁 15 ml
-*ニュートリショナルイースト 6g
- 塩麹 30g
- 白味噌 10g
- エクストラバージンオリーブオイル 25 ml
- 水 22.5~35ml(必要に応じて追加してください)
1. フードプロセッサーまたは小型のミキサーに、バジル、ナッツ、にんにく、レモン汁、栄養酵母、塩麹を加え、強めに攪拌しながらゆるいペースト状になるまで撹拌する。
2. オリーブオイルを少しずつ加え(可能であればマシンの電源が入っている間に入れる)、必要に応じて側面をかき混ぜる。その後、大さじ1杯(15ml)の水を加え、好みの濃さになるまで混ぜる。(油を使わない場合は、油の代わりに野菜スープを使うか、すべて水にしてください。)
3. 味見をしながら、チーズのような風味を出したい場合はニュートリショナルイーストを、全体的な風味を出したい場合は塩麹を、ナッツ類の風味を出したい場合はナッツを、ニンニクの風味を出したい場合はニンニクを、酸味を出したい場合はレモン汁を加えて、味を調整する。