Lemon shio koji (English)

At the end of the year, we received a lot of lemons from our friends.

I did my best to freeze the lemon juice and zest separately, but there were still lemons left. I decided to make lemon shio koji for the first time this year. I'll show you how to use it later, but I think anyone can use it in any recipe that uses lemon and salt, and I'll show you how to use it next post.

It's a lovely yellow color with a rich aroma that cheers me up when I use it in cooking!

Lemons are said to be effective for beautiful skin, recovering from fatigue, and preventing colds, along with the effects of vitamin C !

Combine it with koji for double the effect! I hope it makes your skin beautiful.

Oh, Yuzu Shio koji is also delicious! Just replace the lemon with yuzu.


  • 60g salt

  • 200g malted rice

  • 250-300ml lemon juice

  • 100g lemon peel (+ optional)

How to make

  1. Cut the lemon peel into small pieces.

  2. Dissolve salt in lemon juice.

  3. Add the koji and lemon peel to the mixture and mix well.

  4. Transfer to a clean, sanitized jar and store at room temperature.

  5. Mix once or twice daily. If there is not enough water, add lemon juice or water little by little.

  6. When the rice malt can be pureed with your fingers within a week, it is ready.

*It is convenient to make it into a paste with a blender, and you can also leave it as it is.

*In the case of dried koji, it absorbs water, so prepare more lemon juice. Or add more water.

*Storage in the refrigerator after completion. The color will change gradually, but the flavor will deepen.


Grilled chicken with Lemon shio koji


Lemon shio koji (レモン塩麹)